How I Navigate Parenthood in the Digital Age - Balancing Freedom and Boundaries

For this week’s how-to I'll be talking about the challenges of parenting in the digital age. A viewer asked about handling tech with my children, and it's undeniably a minefield! If my mum were here, she'd probably say she doesn't envy parenting in today's digital era.

Back in our day, my brother and I shared a Game Boy, and a video recorder which was primarily for reviewing horse-riding videos. We watched two movies a year, if that, from the now legendary Blockbusters! Times have changed, and I really believe that parenting in this tech-driven landscape requires a united front on the caregiver’s side - we have to be on the same wavelength to avoid kids playing parents against each other.

In our home, we've adopted a philosophy of moderation, and not treating tech like forbidden fruit. We'd rather our children experience things in moderation than rebel against outright bans.

Special occasions might allow for occasional indulgence, but it's not an everyday affair. All our kids have phones, introduced around the start of secondary school, with open communication and consequences if boundaries are crossed. We can access their phones anytime.

Gaming is another aspect we navigate with healthy boundaries. Only playing with known friends, time limits, and monitoring interactions help ensure a safe environment. My dear Auntie Margaret's wise words always stick in my mind: "You need to let them fly, and they'll want to come back." It's about striking a balance, allowing freedom within well-defined limits.

I’d love to know how you navigate this subject, or if there are other topics you'd like me to discuss, I’m always happy to share!

Love, Charlie x


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