It's time to pack away your woollies! How to keep your precious autumn & winter wear organised & the moths at bay...

Here comes the sun! Therefore, it’s time to pack your woollies away.

There’s nothing worse than getting your woollens out after the summer and finding that the moths have got to them. Being in the country, I do wear a lot of polo necks and big jumpers so I pack these away ready for next year.

I am always really, really conscious about moths. They are a total pain and have been really busy this winter. You must ensure you safe guard your woollens as you pack them away otherwise you run the risk of nibbles!

I’ve got a great storage bag here with a clear section that ensures you can see what’s inside at a glance, a zip for easy access and sturdy handles. It’s also a great size.

So there are a few things I use - first up is this lavender anti-moth fabric spray. It is pretty odourless actually, so you don’t have any problems with it transferring unpleasant smells onto woollies. 

I also swear by good old fashioned moth balls. People do worry about the smells but I’ve never had a problem, and much better to be safe than sorry!

Do remember you don’t actually need to take them out of the bag or unwrap them at all. Pop one of these into the bottom of the storage bag. 

Now get folding! Give each jumper a quick spray with your lavender spritz, fold and pop into the bag. 

I also have hanging lavender moth killer and freshener. They hang onto either the hanging rail or onto the coat hanger itself and the bonus is that they’ll treat quite a few garments nearby. They have an indicator so they tell you when you need to change them which is fantastic. They smell quite pleasant too!

Do you have any tips for moth-proofing your garments? I’d love to hear them! 



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